Modal Popup
EAE - Modal Popup widget allows you to create small popup windows that are displayed on performing a certain action. Through this you can get more content from Custom Fields and Post Archives without navigating form one page to another.
- Content Type: Choose the type of content you want to display in the popup window like Custom Content, Saved Page, Saved Section, or AE Template.
- Preview Modal Popup: If you want to preview the pop window you can enable it.
- Title: Give Title to be displayed at the top of the popup window.
- Content: Enter content manually or select the source of the Content Type that you choose on the top accordingly.
Modal Setting
- Modal Width: Here you can assign the width to the pop-up window.
- Overlay Color: It allows you to choose the color for the overlay.
Display Setting
- Button Text: Here you can give the text to the Model Popup button.
- Alignment: You can adjust the positioning of the button like(left, center, right, justified).
- Icon: Select an icon to be displayed along with the button text.
- Icon Position: Adjust the position of an icon like before or after the text accordingly.
- Icon Spacing: Adjusted the space between the icon and the text.
- Color: Choose the popup text color
- Background Color: Select the popup background-color
- Padding: Adjust the padding around the popup
- Typography: Set the typography settings of the title
- Color: Select the color for the popup text
- Background Color: Select the background color
- Padding: Adjust the content padding
- Typography: Set the typography settings of the content
- Border Type: Select the type of border, choosing from none, solid, double, dotted, dashed, or grooved
- Border Radius: Set the border-radius to control corner roundness for each side of the popup
- Box Shadow: Adjust box-shadow options
- Typography: Set the typography options for the button’s text
- Text Color: Choose the color of the button’s text
- Text Shadow: Apply shadow to the button text
- Background Color: Choose the background color of the button
- Border Radius: Set the border radius of the button to control corner roundness
Close Button
- Button Inside: Enable it to position the close button inside the popup window
- Icon: Select an icon to close the popup
- Icon Size: Adjust the icon size
- Color: Select the color of the Close button for both the Normal and Hover states
- Position Top: Adjust the close icon position fron the top
- Position Right: Adjust the close icon position fron the right side